Friday 14 November 2014

Friday Five - 14/11/2014

Boy, it's been a long week. I'm sitting here trying not to nod off and only just succeeding. In the future I'm aiming to blog more than once a week, but at the moment my writing time is somewhat occupied as you'll be able to understand in a few minutes.

Without further ado, here are this week's hot five. Hopefully you'll find something to love in here too!

  1. Fitbit - I purchased my FitBit because one of the girls at work had one and loved it. I'm not a hardcore user, I don't track every piece of food I eat or every bit of exercise I do, but I find it illuminating to see how much sleep I'm getting and I love the silent alarm feature. I really like the app too, it turns fitness into a game. I'm competitive (even when there's nobody to compete with) and stubborn, so seeing the red bars turn green motivates me to move more.
  2. Nanowrimo - I'm a writer, and every November thousands of us gather to attempt the insane: finish a 50,000 word novel in one month. I've been going well so far, I'm writing the sequel to my first manuscript, but boy is it hard going! There seems to be so little time in the day. I'm sneaking words in during my lunch break at work, when everyone else has gone to sleep at home, and, as usual, during my weekly trips to the Laundromat. It's amazing how many extra words I can squeeze in.
  3. Halo Master Chief Collection - while I'm busy with my words, which I am more than usual this month, I feel a little guilty about neglecting my partner. He's pretty good about it, but I've found keeping him occupied keeps him feeling a little less unloved. But this isn't just any video game, it's Halo four times over in beautiful, beautiful detail. I especially love that you can switch back and forth between the new and the old version. It's certainly keeping him occupied. Maybe once NaNo is over I'll try my hand at it.
  4. Peppermint hot chocolate - As the winter is beginning to turn, there's nothing more comforting than a peppermint hot chocolate, my favourite is the Options Belgian Chocolate Mint madness. Costa used to do an amazing mint hot chocolate, but last year they stopped and I haven't been back to see if they've started doing it again since. Nero and Starbucks have peppermint, but it just doesn't blend smoothly enough with their hot chocolate and is always a little disappointing.
  5. With A Rock Star - I first encountered Amber Lin and Shari Slade when I read THREE NIGHTS WITH A ROCK STAR and this week I finally got my hands on the sequel ONE KISS WITH A ROCK STAR. I loved it just as much as the first, so sexy and exciting and... whoar *fans self*. I love how beautifully these two write their intimate scenes, I wish I could make mine as meaningful.

See you next week, folks. Hopefully I've defeated NaNo by then, not the other way around.

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